But there's also Resident Evil 7 … fully playable from start to finish in VR (with great SW codes too!), and Skyrim VR. And Borderlands 2 VR is one of the biggest games we have yet.

It's truly a leap into the future of gaming. PSVR in general is something, if you haven't got one yet, you owe it to yourself. And there's more news on the horizon, they've said. All the DLC is coming soon, for free, to VR.

All the Shift Codes work for the VR version. You can play the game with a Dualshock (like I do) if you prefer the feel of the game as you've known it all these years, or with the Move controllers, or with the AIM (gun) controller. And it's not like some movie playing in 360, it's all stereoscopically 3D, so objects that are close look close, and things that are far away look far away, things that are small look small, and things that are big (thinking of certain parts of Moxxxi) LOOK BIG. The game isn't just on your TV, it's all around you, wherever you turn your head, you're in the game. By the way, if you're not playing Borderlands 2 VR yet, make the move! Get a PSVR! It's awesome! It's basically the full game, except no co-op (yet).