The most basic tool for working with fractals is the zoom control. Sooner or later you will want to create a full-screen image eg 1280x1024, if that is your screen resolution. I use the size 320x240 while I am trying out what different filters (see later) do to a particular algorithm. Remember that the bigger the picture the longer it takes to repaint it each time you change something. It is good to work with a small picture to start with to try out different options. You can enlarge the image by changing the 'XY' parameter at the left side of the screen. Better things will come soon! The first thing to do is to maximise the screen by clicking on the square at extreme top right. This is a basic view of the Mandelbrot set (y = z*z). When you start Tierazon you will see a disappointingly small and somewhat ugly picture. Now set 'color palette' to 32-bit or whatever is the highest setting. Click on Windows Start, Settings, Control Panel, Display, Settings. Your monitor must be set to show at least 16k colours, preferably 16 million (24-bit colour) or more. Click here for a Tierazon tutorial written by Doug Harrington. My thanks to Tamrof for some valuable additions to these notes. If I have not mentioned a neat trick you know about then please let me know. Like all first-rate programs, Tierazon rewards exploration.Īnyone wishing to add to these notes is most welcome to email me. In particular I have omitted those features (such as 'convolve' or fractal parameters) that I have not found useful. I have not attempted to cover every feature of Tierazon. In many cases these instructions also apply to inkblot, iterations, sterling and flarium, which are quite similar. These notes are to help you to use the program Tierazon v2.7a.